Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hello and happy Tuesday.  Today's polish fall's under the "I'm a sucker for" category.  I can't seem to get enough red's and dark greens. I have more than I need but then I see another and I feel like I have to have it.

So, I made the mistake of wearing this right after I wore Zoya's Ivanka.  I know, I know.  It's a pretty green, but after Ivanka it was a little underwhelming.  This was two coats with a good formula.

This is Sage it Ain't So from Finger Paints.  I probably got it at Sally's Beauty.  It looks well loved but not because I've worn it a lot.  This is the first time.  It's because I keep all my polishes stashed in bags in a cupboard so my hubs doesn't see how much I have.  
If you're wondering what's up with my ring finger I had done a gel mani and couldn't for the life of me get that stuff off, so I was lazy and painted over it.=)
Namaste and have a wonderful day.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hello and happy Friday!  Today I'm going to show you a polish that I have had in my stash for years, moved across a couple state lines twice and FINALLY decided to wear.  ZOYA Ivanka.

I'm not sure why I waited so long.  I mean I obviously loved it when I bought it, I remember buying it thinking I can't wait to try it and it's truly stunning.  I couldn't stop staring at my hands.  This is two coats w/ a top coat.  I checked and it is still available, I saw it on Amazon.
(note to self:  make sure I put some cuticle oil on before pics, my hands look so dry. yuck)
Have an amazing day! Namaste!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

My first blog post!  I have wanted to do this FOREVER!  I actually started once a couple years ago under a different name, but chickened out.  Why? I have no good reason other than thinking no one would want to hear what I have to say and maybe I thought I was too old for this.  Weelll, I have been struggling with trying to claw my way out of a major depression ( I have struggled with that all my life but am usually able to maintain on my own).  This has been a particularly brutal episode and it knocked me on my feet.  One of the things prescribed to me was to find something I love to keep me busy and accountable.  So I thought, now is the time to truly follow my bliss.  Not everyone will understand my obsession with nail polish but those of you out there who are like me will get it.  So, here I go!
  On to the Polish!!!!!
My first post will be for one of my new absolute favorite indie brands MDJ Creations.  This is my very favorite polish from her (so far).  It's called Enchanted Air.  My pics really don't do it justice (I know I have a lot to learn in that department).  It is a beautiful soft light blue with flakies and this amazing green shimmer running throughout.  The shimmer is subtle but I love that because it doesn't detract from the main gorgeousness but then you'll get in the sun and look at your hands and be like  "wow, what is that magic happening on my fingernails!"  It's really good, I promise. You can get it here:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/MDJCreations

What are you waiting for?  Go get one now.  If you don't trust my pics try looking up some on Instagram  there are much better pics there.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and I hope you  like what you see in spite of how much I know I need to learn about this.  Have a great day and namaste!